So today, I woke up @ Ko Chang Thailand and realized that I materialized my Dream from five years ago:
My dream is to get rewarded for the value that I bring, travel the world, meet extra-ordinary interesting people whom I can learn from and have fun with.
Now ask yourself what do you desire most? (write it down and make a list)
Love yourself first, so you can love others much easier.
• Reflect on all things that happened
• Appreciate Life
• Envision the things in your mind, that you really want or need
In simple terms:
Close your eyes and imagine yourself experiencing the things you desire.
Ask yourself how does that feel? How do you see yourself?
1 Meditate with Clear Intentions
2 Work with Focus
3 Use Fun as your Motivation Tool
and Play Hard.... You'll forget the fear.
When you decide to change one small thing each day... you cannot imagine how your life will look like in five years.
I am Ready for my NEXT DREAM and its a HUGY where I need some help.
Let's do this one together to manifest it much faster.
So help me imagine a world filled with happy dancing people showing there strengths and creativity in harmony.
Become more valuable by helping ourselves and others in the grow of consciousness
Greetings from Thailand.
Mentor in Consciousness
Conscious Driven Entrepreneurship