We need a lot of things and sometimes things can go not as we planned.
The containerschip MSC Zoe lost at least 342 containers in the sea.
Horizontal Width or Length Loading? Safety for the ship or payload?

Click on this picture below and wacht the SHORT VIDEO from the Coastguard.

Now that is a Big Boat!

How many Ships like this are there? And how many of them each day?

Wat is currently the Largest Container Ship of 2019?
OOCL Hong Kong has:
cargo capacity: 21,413 TEU 21 416 x 20-foot containers
The twenty-foot equivalent unit (often TEU or teu)
It is based on the volume of a 20-foot-long (6.1 m) intermodal container
The common 20 feet standard intermodal container dimensions:
long: 20 feet (6.1 m)
wide 8 feet (2.44 m)
height: 8 feet 6 inches (2.59 m)

Why This Big?
An ever increasing global demand for imported goods.
How Big Will They Grow?
CMA CGM has announced to build container ships capable of carrying 22,000 TEU each.
They are scheduled for service from the end of 2019.
That is a lot of waste and somewhere somehow sometimes it will return to sender.
We need so many things and we always get what we give. Talking about Karma.
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